Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Celebrate and share the love

Tomorrow is Valentine's day. People always talk about how it has become so commercialized and that it is just a some made up Hallmark holiday to sell more cards. I agree that it is commercialized, but again which holiday isn't? And what is wrong with people celebrating being happy and in love? This is a day that centers around love, so why not show everyone you love that... well you love them. Everyone needs that reminder sometimes. My kids always loved coming down the stairs on valentine's day and finding little boxes of chocolate and stuffed animals. Seeing the smile on their face is why I really love Valentine's day. Sharing warmth, love and gifts with our family, friends and loved ones can be great deal of fun. That's what holidays are about. They are fun and give us an excuse to step away from the mundane routine of our daily lives and Valentine day is no different.

V-day is all about expressing love and showing that you care. So go ahead and celebrate this day whether it is with your family, friends, sweetheart, loved one or even your animal. Or be your own valentine. Just celebrate the power of love. After all, everyone needs some cheering up in the middle of dreary February.

With that said, happy love day to all!


Susie said...

Happy V-Day to you too.

Wyvetta said...

I enjoy all the holidays, and Valentine's Day is one of them. However, I appreciate the fact that my family express love to one another regularly. Have a Happy Valentine's Day. I hope that you receive one of your heart's desires.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree, you should show your love not just on valentine's day but every day. It is usually not the flowers or the candy, but the little things we do shows that we care. Valentine's Day gives us an oppurtunity to celebrate our love. It gives us a chance to express our love in a more personal way.

M Foster said...

Totally. I had a very good friend in Phoenix who died. Many people wrote memory letters which we put in a binder to give to her husband. I thought how sad it was to share what she meant to us and her never know that. Valentines Day is perfect time to tell your friends how special they are to your life and/or how they touched your life that past year.