Tuesday, May 15, 2007

feeling crabby

I feel like I should have a lot to say having had a busy mother's day weekend and all, but I am feeling sort of mopey and disconnected today. I am too tired and feeling too pms-y and fatigued for my own good. I will be back once I get my head straighten out. I promise.

While you are waiting for my next post, you could go here and check out the latest celebrity photos/gossip. or if that's not your thing, you could answer these questions:

1. if you could only be remembered for one thing, what would you like it to be?
Making a life out of helping others.

2. what is the one memory that truly makes you squirm?
My very first job at a bank. too many awkard moments, like accidently dropping the entire typewriter(before the days of computers) to the ground.

3. if five of your closest friends were each asked to describe you in one word, what would those five words be?
I did research on this: free-spirited, friendly, nurturing, caring, compassionate, outgoing, dedicated and adventrous. I was hoping for " she's smoking hot," but I knew it would be hard to describe me in one word.

4. if you could tell any one person a particular thing, what would that thing be? include the person if you want.
Even though I tell her this all the time, I would tell my daughter, Angela, that I love her more than anything else in this world and that despite how difficult things may appear right now, just know that I will get back in the full swing of things after the treatments as we have so many exciting and new things to look forward to.

5. what draws you back to any particular blog?
That I can relate to the person's writing. I've scaled back the time I spend in the blogosphere quite a bit, so there are really only a few that I read nowadays, although I still check in on other buddies from time to time.

A quick rant before I sign off, gas prices have gone crazy and the government needs to work to bring down these crazy prices, now! I know the demand is high and blah, blah, but all I know is that I am a taxi driver mom who no longer can afford these skyrocketing prices. Will they ever drop down to a reasonable rate, like $2.25? I can handle that.

Hope everyone has a great summer!

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